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  7. How to Correctly Install Jaw Crusher plant

How to Correctly Install Jaw Crusher plant

Time:2018-03-21 14:05:57

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        Jaw Crusher plant is one of the most commonly used crushing machines, and it has many advantages and wide application. But in reality, irregular and unscientific installation leads to frequent accidents in the process of production and usage. Here comes the question, how to correctly install the Jaw Crusher plant?
        At present, large Jaw Crusher plant is mainly used for crushing big and hard raw materials. Because Jaw Crusher plant has stronger vibration during work, it is usually installed on the foundation based on reinforced concrete structure. After running for some time, the surface of concrete foundation under the frame usually appears crack and becomes loose, and this will cause the vibration of the equipment and seriously affect its safety operation. Making proper concrete foundation and adopting reasonable installation method can avoid this.
        Prepare a rubber pad whose tensile strength is 8MPa~20MPa, elongation at break is 500%, coefficient of elasticity in shear is 2 MPa and thickness is around 50 mm. According to the usual practice, pour the reinforced concrete foundation and obligate the secondary watering position, the steel fabric whose height is 8mm and diameter is around 8mm (according to load) is set in the location of secondary grouting layer to strengthen its tensile strength and prevent it from rupture. Besides, 150 mm or so concrete is poured on the steel fabric once again, and after this, the bottom of frame needs to be immediately set on the concrete. Then, laminate the secondary concrete to 120 mm with the body weight of crusher, adjust the horizontal and vertical positions of the engine body and use a pillar to fix the body position. After concrete is solidified, it will jack up the body and make the base about 50 mm higher than secondary grouting layer, and then insert the prepared rubber pad between the secondary grouting layer and the base body. After placing the rubber pad well, the equipment needs to be put on the rubber pad slowly and evenly. After rightly adjusting the horizontal and vertical positions of the engine body, all the foundation bolts need to be tightened. Stop Jaw Crusher plant after it works a whole day to tighten all the foundation bolts again to achieve the reinforcement effect.

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